Sunday, October 16, 2011

Jane Eyre, my favorite book.....

I love the story Charlotte Bronte brought to life. Jayne Eyre is one of my most favorite and beloved books that i own. In 8th grade i thought it was to much of a love story for me, i even teased my best friend when she was reading it and singing praises of the classic. But it all changed for me when i took an Honors Literature class the next year. My teacher was very inspirational; he would tells us of Jane and her virtue and he would share his opinion on which film version expressed each character precisely. 
My favorite film version is the 1983 with Timothy Dalton. It is kind of old but it is the best in following the book to a "T", well almost. Timothy brought the character of Mr. Rochester to life and he seemed to fit the part wonderfully. I have a scene from it that i want to share; it is after Jane and Mr. Rochester's almost wedding and when Jane finds out he is married. I love it so much 'cause Jane is willing to sacrifice her love for him in order to keep her integrity and virtue.

I just love that scene!

Oh also there is a newer version out (Jane Eyre 2011). I have not seen it yet but it looks fantastic!! i want to see it soo bad. here is the trailer.

Hope you like it!!!

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