Monday, March 19, 2012

hey, i gotcha!

Friend 1-"Aagh! It smells like "what's up".
Friend 2-"What's up?"
Friend 1-"Nothin', how about you?"

This is so much funnier when you see it in action. :) A manager of mine did it to me when i was at work, it made me laugh pretty hard.
So as you can see i've changed the title of this blog...again. but i like this one a lot better and i see it as goal for me to speak up and not be afraid, and me telling people to stop being quiet and tell me what they really think.
Resently i've started to listen to this band called One Direction and currently i really like the song "One Thing". i don't know how new or old they are 'cause i heard it from a friend on facebook, and  that they are British and started getting noticed on the tv show called "The X Factor".  here i got the song that i like....

So, i don't like to fall into boy bands that closely resemble cute-boy-band-that-only-girls-like. yes i know, long title, so sue me, but i like the band 'cause they are pretty good.
If i were to have a band i would want to call it "XL "Xtremly Loud, like my blog.
I've started to teach myself some street dance, i'm not very good 'cause i've just started, but with practice and my determination i'll get better; as i've had time to practice i might up load some vids.
So that is all that i can think to write, so bye! have a good life! 

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