Saturday, October 15, 2011


There are a lot of things that i consider very important but i have to say that having dreams is one of the very, very important. I'm not very sappy and i cannot write anything like a poet, like my sister, where the words just blend together and flow really well, like a song or a rhyme. I just say what comes to my head. :) Dreams are what can help us make certain decisions in our lives. They help us grow towards what we are meant to do.

 One of my dreams is to backpack all over the western states of America. I would just love to see all the beautiful scenery. I would take my camera and take as many pictures as i could and i would write about what i saw and what i did and what i was feeling at that moment because we all know that we forget if we put it off for too long. There are so many mystic things in our world and i just want to experience them all and have all the adventures that go along with them. Life has soo much to offer us, and the thing that matters is

what we do with it. :) If you ever feel like you have too much to carry talk to someone you trust explicitly, or go for a long run, that can help too. Also friends, good friends are there to help, if that's not what its like for you you need to get new friends. When my parents were having a tough time their marriage, i turned to my friends for comfort and they would make me laugh my hardest and it helped me to get me out of the dumps. :) Haha this is funny i thought i was going to talk to you about dreams but it turned into advice about life post. AH! me and my tangents. :) So don't let stuff get you down, and think about that phrase, it means you were up there before but you let that thing drag you down, so dust yourself off and get back up. You are wonderful, beautiful, handsome, and brilliant, just remember. :) Lots of Love for all you human beings!

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