Saturday, June 4, 2011

The Nutshell

So the name of this blog is and can be very confusing, heck it is confusing to me, but when I came up with this blog it made a way. I wanted to start this blog first as a little thing where my friends could find out what i'm doing in my life but now it feels like it is just something for me to write my thoughts and what i've been doing.

First thought: The name of this blog has got me thinking, how big is a nutshell? people make it sound small when ever they say, "...In a nutshell." but a coconut shell is pretty big and a nut in my opinion. I have just looked up "nutshell" on wikipedia and i guess it has made a little more sense to me now, but i'm still keeping the name on this blog. :)
From Wikipedia
  • A Nutshell is a common characteristic of all nuts.
  • "In a Nutshell" is a phrase used colloquially to indicate a simplified meaning or expression.

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